HP サーバで必要なアプリケーションを HP の yum リポジトリから取得する。




Software Delivery Repository

2016/10/14追記 → HPEになってURLが変更になってた。HPE Software Delivery Repository

右上の『Download add_repo.sh』からレポジトリ追加スクリプト(add_repo.sh)をダウンロードする

CentOSなので『mcp(Management Component Pack for ProLiant Agent → software for Ubuntu and community distros)』をつかう。

# sh ./add_repo.sh mcp
note : You must read and accept the License Agreement to continue.
Press enter to display it ... 
『License Agreement』が表示される。
Do you accept? (yes/no) yes
info : Repo added to /etc/yum.repos.d/HP-mcp.repo.

# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/HP-mcp.repo
# auto-generated by
#   http://downloads.linux.hp.com/SDR/repo/./add_repo.sh mcp

# By including and using this configuration,
# you agree to the terms and conditions
# of the HP Software License Agreement at
# http://h20000.www2.hp.com/bizsupport/TechSupport/softwareLicense.jsp?lang=en&cc=us&prodTypeId=15351&prodSeriesId=1121516&prodNameId=3288134&taskId=135

name=HP Software Delivery Repository for mcp

#name=HP Software Delivery Repository Repository for mcp Packages

rpmforge を有効にしたときは『enabled=0』として–enablerepo=rpmforge しないとリポジトリが有効にならないようにするんだけど、バッティングしないのでそのままで。


# yum list |grep HP-mcp 
cpqacuxe.x86_64                        9.40-12.0                        HP-mcp  
hp-ams.x86_64                          1.3.0-876.49.rhel6               HP-mcp  
hp-health.x86_64                       9.31-1572.3.rhel6                HP-mcp  
hp-smh-templates.noarch                9.3.0-1293.35                    HP-mcp  
hp-snmp-agents.x86_64                  9.30-2412.33.rhel6               HP-mcp  
hpacucli.x86_64                        9.40-12.0                        HP-mcp  
hpdiags.x86_64                         9.4.0-562                        HP-mcp  
hponcfg.noarch                         4.1.0-0                          HP-mcp  
hpsmh.x86_64                           7.2.0-14                         HP-mcp  

cpqacuxe : The HP Array Configuration Utility is the web-based disk array configuration program for Array Controllers.
hp-ams : This package contains the helper daemon that provides information for iLO4 embedded health and alerting.
hp-health: This package contains the System Health Monitor and Advanced Server Reset Daemon for all hp Proliant systems with ASM, ILO, & ILO2 embedded management asics. Also contained are the command line utilities.
hp-smh-templates : This package contains the System Management Homepage Templates for all hp Proliant systems with ASM, ILO, & ILO2 embedded management asics.
hp-snmp-agents : This package contains the SNMP server, storage, and nic agents for all hp Proliant systems with ASM, ILO, & ILO2 embedded management asics.
hpacucli : The HP Command Line Array Configuration Utility is the disk array configuration program for Array Controllers.
hpdiags : Identifies and exercises system components.
hponcfg : Hponcfg is a command line utility that can be used to configure iLO/RILOE II from with in the operating system without requiring a reboot of the server.
hpsmh : The HP System Management Homepage v7.2.0.14

yum install hp-ams hp-health hp-smh-templates hp-snmp-agents hpacucli hpdiags hponcfg hpsmh

snmp のセットアップは必要。(従来通り)

# hpsnmpconfig
This configuration script will configure SNMP to integrate with the HP SIM and
the HP System Management Homepage by editting the snmpd.conf file. The HP-SNMP-Agents can also exist in a more secure
SNMP environment (e.g. VACM) that you have previously configured. See the
hp-snmp-agents(4) man page for specific details on how to configure the VACM entries
in the 'snmpd.conf' file. You may press  now to exit now if needed.

Do you wish to use an existing snmpd.conf (y/n) (Blank is n): 
You will now be asked a series of SNMP configuration questions.  How you answer
these question will affect the way SNMP behaves.  Configuring SNMP could have
security implications on your system. If you are not sure how to answer a
question, you can abort by pressing  and no changes will be made to
your SNMP configuration.

Enter the localhost SNMP Read/Write community string
(one word, required, no default): 
Re-enter the same input to confirm: 
ACCEPTED: inputs match!

Enter localhost SNMP Read Only community string
(one word, Blank to skip): 
Enter Read/Write Authorized Management Station IP or DNS name
(Blank to skip): 
Enter Read Only Authorized Management Station IP or DNS name
(Blank to skip): 
Enter default SNMP trap community string
(One word; Blank to skip): 
Enter SNMP trap destination IP or DNS name
(One word; Blank to skip): 
The system contact is set to
syscontact Root  (configure /etc/snmp/snmp.local.conf)
Do you wish to change it (y/n) (Blank is n): 
The system location is set to
syslocation Unknown (edit /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf)
Do you wish to change it (y/n) (Blank is n): 

NOTE: New snmpd.conf entries were added to the top of /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf
snmpd is started

https://localhost:2381/ で SMH にアクセスできる。
